Farming Simulator Writing Contest - The 2nd Place!

14. April 2023

Once upon a time… we asked for your most creative stories about your  adventures in Silverrun Forest. You were responsive to our request and diligently sent us your adventures.

A literary quintet, in hours of meetings and lively discussions, agreed on three winners. This Sunday, we will present to you the 2nd place. If you are interested in the first place, stay tuned and watch out!

2nd place: Toby

Two rooms, a bathroom and kitchen: Little Harold discovers a giant and helps him find a place to live in Silverrun Forest.

One of our most creative entries, combining Farming Simulator with fantasy to secure second place.

A long time ago stood a vast iron mine in a silent silver forest, the silence only broken by the crisp snow under tattered shoes and by the wolves who howl at the full bright winter’s moon.

Down by the still frozen lake, there was a village where the villagers made boats and barrels. The village was being connected to a town called Elmcreek, but in the winter time no one could work on the connection. So the people who lived here were the hardy sort of people that live and thrive in cold conditions.

A boy called Harold liked to play near the mines, pretending to be a miner like his father and his father before him who were miners in the tin country back in England. One day while he was playing, he heard something down in the deep white valley below, something like a tree falling. Even though he was scared, he had an urge to go and investigate what was going on down in the valley.

He ran down the steep valley sides, the only thing slowing him down was the forceful wind hitting his face, it was like a thousand tiny needles, Harold tripped and fell face-first into a pond.

The water was strange – it was warm, it looked a bit off colour, and it smelt a bit like urine. He thought he was near a stream because of the sound. He looked behind him and there was a massive foot, looking up he saw a giant. “THERE’S A GIANT!” he screamed! 

He splashed trying to get out of the pond, the giant heard Harold behind him splashing. The giant picked up Harold with his large hands. “Yum yum.” growled the giant, whilst putting Harold inside his mouth. “Don’t eat me!”  begged Harold, “I can get you whatever you want!” “Like what?” demanded the Giant, “Anything.” Said Harold trembling.

The giant put Harold down on the ground. “Can I have a nice house?” asked the giant, “Sure thing.” gulped Harold, quickly thinking of what he could build a house out of. Together they walked through the valley, when Harold had the idea of building a den for the giant.

He started picking up sticks and branches as they walked through the forest. Together they built a big den but when the giant clambered into the den he thought it was a bit small for him and when he was tried to get out of the den the branches fell on top of him.

“Ow!” grumbled the giant “Are you ok!” shouted Harold “Yeah,” replied the giant, “But what should we do about my house?  Because that was not comfy!” “Let’s find somewhere else” responded Harold. 

Harold had an idea as they walked up the mountain tracks as it was getting dark. “How about up there?” asked Harold. The giant looked up a giant red wood tree that they were standing beside. “NO!” shouted the giant, “I don’t like it…  I’m scared of hights.” “What???” said Harold, “but you’re a giant …..that doesn’t make sense,” 

Harold decided that there was only one last option. He took the giant to the mines. In the mines there was enough space for a giant and because they were underground they would keep him cool. “I think this is the spot! Thanks kid.” expressed the giant. Harold left the giant, he was grateful that the giant didn’t eat him!

For a long time after that day, Harold would hear tales from the miners about hearing snoring sounds from deep in the mine! Maybe if you are lucky you might also see a gentle giant near the mine, but they are very elusive!

Thanks Everyone!

Thank you for all the stories you sent in! We were captivated by your thrilling adventures and read them with great excitement.

Ready for new adventures? Then check out the Göweil Pack for Farming Simulator 22! Among other additional content, it is also included in the separately available Year 2 Season Pass.

Get The Year 2 Season Pass!

If you want to extend your copy of the game with loads of new content, check out the Year 2 Season PassEspecially, since you save money compared to buying the packs and the Platinum expansion separately. The Year 1 Season Pass continues to be available separately. 

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