Oxbo Pack - Fact Sheet Collection

8 Wrzesień 2023

With the upcoming Oxbo Pack, you optimize your farming operation with brand-new machines. Below, we collect the fact sheets presenting the machines included. Every Friday until launch, we share new fact sheets. See our announcement of the Oxbo Pack for more information!

The Oxbo Pack releases September 19th for PC & consoles. Pre-orders are open. Owners of the Year 2 Season Pass receive the pack on launch day without additional cost. 

Fact Sheet Collection

Friday, September 8th

Friday, September 15th

Pre-order Now!

On September 19th, the Oxbo Pack will be available for PC and consoles. You can already pre-order the pack in our official store - and save 10% if you do. Check out more information about the upcoming machines and tools by clicking this cool banner:


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