Welcome to Springfield Estate, based on a fictional location and the land is flat With very tight narrow lanes.
Whether you prefer Arable, Sheep husbandry or forestry, this map will suit you perfectly.
- 1 Main farm that is a sheep farm , several small storage yards and 1 big grain yard that needs Manual loading 1 Sell point.
- Vehicle shop.
- Brewery where you can sell you wheat and barley
- Hedges have collisions on.
- Bio Heating Plant.
- Placeable area which the vehicles are reset too.
- Seasons ready (pc only)
- One main forestry area for wood chips .
- Animated Gates.
- There is a little special surprise for you to find.
Patch 1.5 is almost here and testing is going well! Want to know how patches are made? You can find these and other details in our new blog post. ⬇️
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