Slovak Village

Welcome to Slovak Village map. This map is fictional but it is based on real life location in Slovak Republic. Introduce you Slovak Village 2.0 with subname Rise of Industry. Since update 2.0 you will find many new ways how to play on this map, lot new mCompanyFactory businesses like (quarry, concrete plant, orchard, dairy, meat factory and more...) I am sure you will enjoy that.(ATTENTION - map updated to version 2.0 (and newer) from older versions requires to start a new save game, read description / changelog.)

- This map includes all Farming Simulator 17 features.
- 14 sell points - including BGA, Hayloft and manual milk selling.
- 2 train sell points.
- 36 fields small/medium/large.
- Did you like square fields friendly for AI worker or field that have tier own specific shape? On this map can be found both of them for everoyne.
- Lot of models made by myself, also contains models from other autors.
- Forestry and missions all included.
- Lot of animated objects (animal, vehicles, clouds and more...)
- New business opportunities by buyable mCompanyFactory objects (quarry, sawmill, meat and milk production, orchard and lot of others...)
- Map Supports Seasons mod.
- Sugarcane supported.

Kotte Universal Pack - for Farming Simulator 2017, which can be found on the internet.

If you do not want to use Kotte Universal Pack, mCompanyFactory objects can be filled with original Giants machines or similar mod type too.
only for milk transport you will need an extra mod, for example: Kotte Milkbarrel, which can be found on the ModHub.

I Hope you like this map and you will have a lot of fun.

!!!Important(ONLY IF YOU UPDATED MAP TO VERSION (and newer), FROM OLDER VERSIONS): Since v1.3.0.0 has been made a lot of updates that bassically changes every aspect and functionality of this map. For full functionality of the map it is necessary to start a new save game and tranfer your progress and vehicels to new one. (see on internet how to)!!!

Change log v (Rise of Industry)
- Added sugarcane support.
- Added lot of mCompanyFactory buyable objects, where you can produce various products (Dairy, Meat factory, Soymilk production, Orchard, Greenhouses, Sawmill, Pallet fabrication, Quarry, Concrete plant and various small machines to produce: pig food, manure, fertilizer and seeds.
- With mCompanyFactory objects, added a lot of various new products, pallets and fillables.
- Rebuild some smaller and larger areas and fields of the map to fit new mCompanyFactory businesses, updated farm and so on...
- Added animated objects - vehicles, persons and animals which brings more life to map.
- Changed functionallity of milk selling. It have to be sold manually (see description above) or used to produce milk products for better proffit.
- Added icons of mCompanyFactory businesses and other objects on pda.
- Added new sell points for new products.
- Fixed and improved animal pastures.(a cow is no longer getting stuck in corner of stable if eating).
- Various small fixes
- Better optimalization. Thanks to clipDistanceControl script, vehciles parked in garages on farm are not rendered on same distance as those in open areas so if you have lot of vehicles on farm your game should run better if close to main farm. Some changes in render distance has been made too for various objects on the map.
If you are not sure how something work, how some mCompanyFactory objects work, feel free to contact me on GIANTS Software forum.

Change log v
- Added Seasons mod support with everything it offers (textures based on season replacements, frozen rivers...)
I have done a lot of work with texture replacements for roads, sidewalks, rails... There are snowy textures for those so the winter now looks mutch better. Unfortunately it is not possible to replace terrain textures(painted ones in editor) I will make an udate for this as soon as the Seasons mod creators make this possible.

Change log v
- Your farming equipment can now be customised in the vehicle workshop shed at the farm.
- Fixed rotation position for amazone sprayer in default vehicles, now can be attached to vehicle without any issues or necessity of resetting it.
- Fixed some little objects on the map, that was not placed correctly.
- Eggs now appears only in henhouse.

Change log v
- Fixed golden nuggets, that was not able to collect.
- Fixed Maplefield Mill icon on minimap when fully zoomed out. Some other icons are now positioned correctly, where they should be.
- Flipped positions on water and food troughs (sheeps and pigs pasture) for better access.
- Traffic splines updated - speed of vehicles has been reduced from 60km/h to 45km/h(Changed because if one car had to stop other car runned into it) They now also slow down to 30km/h just before they enter the town. (Still looking for solution to not get stucked crossroads sometimes)
- Minior improvements and terrain improvements
- Field 12, 15, 16 has beed resized because of better ai helper performance
- Added gate on the east side of the farm.
Farming Simulator 17
903.71 MB
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