Today I want you my questions Sunshine Map available.
When Sunschine Map is reflecting a portion of the southern Brandenburg is a four compartment Map, on the map you are a small and a large courtyard. These two courtyards you can manage 51 fields from 0.35 to 117 hectares and some meadows and forests.
In the cattle market at the station you can get your calves for a total of 4 cattle plants buy, also the railway station, the butchery next to the station are you still the country trade, the Eifok country trade, the mill, the guest Tate, a sugar factory and the sawmill available about your products to make money.
For the production of renewable energy you are the BGA and the biomass cogeneration plant available, there are ready-made places where you can place your wind power plants.
The nursery can accommodate your greenhouses because you can also tree seedlings for reforestation Buy. Of course you can with your generated wool money in weaving make, food and water to get the sharpness in the sheepfold of power74de.
In addition to the Chopped straw Mod of webalizer also the GMK is installed by grazy for both her Does the appropriate files in your mods folder.
In addition to the cattle market and the cattle fattening and the Water Mod is installed by Marhu, for the Water Mod each on cattle breeding system and on the small courtyard and near the sheep water pump house vonTHP1985.
For enough sheltering facilities and storage space for your crops, the halls of Katsuo care. Everything on the map is easily reached by road from Fatianzu.
You need to be sure to AnimationMapTrigger of vertexdezign!
Since this map has such a long construction period and was also built much I can not remember all the builders of each individual object but here I would also like to say thank you for the effort which the respective builders have been with their objects. I also thank everyone who stood by me with advice and assistance in the construction of this map aside.
A big thank you also goes to my two friends Tom1706 and THP1985 with whom I had a very nice and funny time since LS11, and always had a piece of advice if there was some trouble with mods or maps. Thank you guys!!!
Mod recommendation for the map:
growth manager
Patch 1.5 is almost here and testing is going well! Want to know how patches are made? You can find these and other details in our new blog post. ⬇️
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