Increase Your Productivity and Work Area with a Tandem. With a Tandem implement, you can attach more than one implement to a single tractor, this will increase the working width and your performance. This implement, when coupled to a tractor, will allow you to hook two or more implements behind it, with this, for example, to hook two Planters and double its planting width, this can also be used for different types of machines and implements. It also allows real-time manual adjustment of the width and distance between the couplings, to take better advantage of its use.
ATTENTION: To lower all the tools at the same time, on the PC use the combination Cntrl+V. On consoles we are not aware of this function.
We hear you, farmers! 👂
Next patch is coming soon, fixing crashes (especially on consoles), improving performance, and delivering important fixes. Thank you for your support and patience! 🚜🌾
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