Welcome to Chellington Valley This map is set in Bedfordshire uk and is fictional.
New animals calf husbandry.
Full seasons support with many extra featurs.
2 new fruits (ALFALFA and Linseed ).
New grass textures (cut grass texture distance etc).
Custom ground textures.
Custom Wheat barley textures (auther forgotten fruits).
130 fields from small to medium and large.
Over 25 sell points Bga,sawmill and other places.
Dof (graphics) has been removed to improve fps and distance blurryness. (seasons).
Lighting 3.0 Totally new lighting Engine (More dramtic dawn and dusk lighting. better clouds and more vibrant colours).
lots of animated objects to bring the map to life (boats,intercity 125,flying scotsman,road sweeps,forklifts,articulated lorries. etc).
Totall traffic upgrade (traffic will take random paths across the map and slow down at junctions).
10 farms with a multiple of options and all animals in the map.
70 fields with missions on.
All roads are modeled making them much more streamless.
Lots of interiors and details aimed at role play series.
Chickens and sheep and horses requre straw bedding and will produce manure in places.
Cuttable hedges.
2 Forest areas.
💚Thank you, farmers - for over 3 million farms!
📺 Check out the Accolades Trailer!
ℹ️ More content & updates coming soon…
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