MP-Lift gravel, universal and snow shovels in various sizes to fulfill your needs. They are perfect for small to medium tractors. You can lift Big Bags with lifting loop on top of them.
SK = Sorakauha = gravel shovel
YK = Yleiskauha = universal shovel
LK = Lumikauha = snow shovel
Price: 460-1200 €
Working width: 1.25 - 2.6 m
SK 0.45: 500 L
SK 0.6 : 600 L
YK 0.75: 800 L
YK 0.9 : 900 L
YK 1.0: 1000 L
YK 1.1: 1100 L
YK 1.2: 1200 L
LK 1.8: 1800 L
LK 2.0: 2000 L
LK 2.2: 2200 L
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