Welcome to a small village at the Baltic Sea. Your farm is surrounded by the beach, but there is no time for a holiday.
Cows, pigs and sheep are waiting to be fed. Not only that.
Many small to large fields and meadows have to be farmed and the harvest can be sold at various retailers, so that you may expand your fleet with new machines.
If boredom arises, two forests are ready and the biogas plant does not work on its own.
All standard functions of the FS17 are installed. You can also play with seasons and ChoppedStraw.
- new pda map
- purchase symbols field 48/49 fixed
- bale sellpoint enlarged
- additional sellpoint at the port
- tipping at biogas-Siloking with trailer possible
- snow mask improved
- farm entrance reworked
🚜 Precision Farming returns in FS25! Smart farming tech makes your virtual farm more eco-friendly and efficient. Manage soil and crops with extended gameplay. Stay tuned for more! 👩🌾🌾
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