Welcome to Antigonia! A Vintage-style map
located in Northen Greece.
What the map offers you:
-40 Fields of all sizes, 8 of them are Grass.
There are also some small fields that you can
buy from the farmlands.
-6 Sell Stations with all your needs.
-20 Collectibles
-There is a water source
-Removable Fences
-Animal Dealer
-Precision Farming Compatibility
-1 Ownable Silo
Keep in mind some info for the best experience:
-Fields with no AI are the ones smaller than field 4,
With a very small payment, you can still buy them through farmlands.
-Everything on the map is meant to be like that, because the map
is based on a real place (Some places may not be accurate due to the inaccuracy of Google earth).
-Some fields are NOT meant for big vechicles.
-As i said the map is Vintage-Style same as the gameplay.
-Some Fences/Gates are NOT removable.
-Walls, Houses and Sheds are NOT removable.
-All landspaces are able to be purchased except from the ones outside of the border.
-No SleepTrigger
-Added Easter Egg
-Terain Smoothing
-Aligned PDA with Farmlands
-Fixed Dirt Path's to SellPoints and Silo
-Added Actual Old Barn to "Old Barn" SellPoint
We hear you, farmers! 👂
Next patch is coming soon, fixing crashes (especially on consoles), improving performance, and delivering important fixes. Thank you for your support and patience! 🚜🌾 https://t.co/wTQPa94L03
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