This pack contains 1 pen for cows, 3 styles of fences 3 gate, and 2 decorative objects. There is a trigger on the right hand side of the bunkline to turn off the visable navigation area once you have your fences inplace. The fence with large wooden posts is best placed counter-clockwise for realism.
Added a milk storage object
Added a slurry storage object
Added a fillTrigger
Added bale support to the feedtrough and TMR bales can now be fed directly
Improved fence and gate visuals
Milk and slurry objects found under silo extensions, then you will need to place a fill trigger for them found in silos!
We hear you, farmers! 👂
Next patch is coming soon, fixing crashes (especially on consoles), improving performance, and delivering important fixes. Thank you for your support and patience! 🚜🌾
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