The following changes were made:
- Tires or Crawler
- Pendulum axle
- Rope winch
- Changed bunker animation
- Conveyor belt color choice or silver
- Color choices for Chipper, Bunker, Crane, Claws, Rims
- Various adjustments and bug fixes
- Beacon Light can be selected left, right or both
- Real or unrealistic bunker capacity
- Support for "Work Camera" from Bargon Mods, Oscar_8599
- Support for "Camera System" from VertexFloat
- Fixed a bug in the “Work Camera” camera system
ModHub Update #5 is Here! ✨🚜
This ModHub update is live, and it’s packed with awesome new equipment for your farm!
-Agrar Landtechnik: ADF 3200
-KUHN: GA 15131
-Lindner: Transportation Module, Unitrac 122 LDrive
and more..
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