Cowbarn with GEA mixfeeder system at monorail construction,
increases the efficiency of the feeding process in your dairy farm
and you'll benefit from precise group feeding and optimal feed management.
M+ optimized version included. Will only be active if FS22_MaizePlus Mod is loaded,
standard version is getting disabled in that case, works also in opposite way!
-Manure System Ready
-script fix, no longer missing store/placeable items when savegame is broken or faulty xml is detected in other mods
Due to missing basegame possibility to create a fillvolume, the shown fillplane in each bunker of the Mixfeeder,
doesn't reflect the actual amount of given material and act only as a visual thing.
Each of the fillplane will become invisible once the given material reach 0.
In some cases the fillplanes are shown in each bunker after placement, although the amount is still 0.
If the MaizePlus version is active and used, silage can be wcs, grass or maize, hay also includes alfalfa hay,
mineral feed or the DEUKA mineral feed
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