Rollers for removing fields and making your farm clean, they can also be used to remove snow.
Accurate and easy to use 3-point attacher. They are also remote controlled, if you ever need to move them without a tractor.
--Technical Info--
Field Roller S:
Price: 4.900€
Size: 3 x 1.5 Meters.
Weight: 1580kg
Working width: 3 Meters.
Max. working speed: 17 kph
Required power: 40 hp+
Field Roller M:
Price: 6.900€
Size: 4 x 1.5 Meters.
Weight: 1980kg
Working width: 4 Meters.
Max. working speed: 17 kph
Required power: 50 hp+
Field Roller L:
Price: 8.900€
Size: 6 x 1.5 Meters.
Weight: 2580kg
Working width: 6 Meters.
Max. working speed: 17 kph
Required power: 60 hp+
- Supports "Seasons" and "Courseplay Six".
- Added 6m Option
- Changed it to a single item with size options
- Added l10n for names++
- Updated the mod with more languages.
- Created new 3D object, and put it in seperate model so that the old one is still available.
- Loads of new design stuff added.
- Added lights & warning signs.
- Created loads of configuration options.
- Added Italian translation.
- New drums & with separate color choice.
- New store photos & mod icon.
- Fixed a few misplaced UVs on the old model.
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