Nourish your Farming Simulator 22 experience with the Premium Expansion!
New Map: Zielonka
Our new map, inspired by Central European regions, is built on rich soil - perfect for putting down roots of new crops and businesses.
Three New Crops
Carrots, parsnips, and red beet are added to crops and require special equipment - like the top lifting harvester ZKIV by Dewulf. New production chains included!
35+ New Machines
Dewulf, Gorenc, Agrio & WIFO debut in the series while BEDNAR, Fiat, GRIMME, Kverneland, SaMASZ & others also extend the garage.
This DLC is compatible with the Windows version (incl. Steam and Epic Games Store) and Mac OS X version (incl. Mac App Store) of Farming Simulator 22 (Update 1.13 or higher).
PC & Mac Version (download)
USD 19.99
Select your prefered payment method and then click BUY NOW to order.
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